We are super excited and proud of all the changes we have made and want to share with you!
- New PPE, including surgical caps, full coverage gowns, and face shields
- N95 or KN95 masks for aerosolizing procedure
- Several new aerosol suctioning devices to prevent aerosols from leaving the patient's mouths. (Bonus: This also reduces mercury contamination when drilling out silver fillings!)
- Dent Air Vac Extraoral Vacuum
- Isolite Intraoral Suction
- Ivory Releaf Intraoral Suction
- Xuction Extra/Intraoral Suction
- Nightly office fogging with hypochlorous acid from ecoloxtech (Hypochlorous acid is a non-toxic, totally safe disinfectant that is more powerful than bleach. Check it out to wash your fruits and veggies too!)
- UV light sterilization to sanitize our ventilation system and HVAC
- No personal clothes in clinical areas as we are washing and drying all our scrubs, lab coats, surgical caps, blankets and towels in office
- Wiping and spraying sunglasses and other patient borrowed items with our strong medical grade EPA approved cleaners AND sterilizing in our UV sterilization box
- Touchless and portable credit card processing machines
- Multiple air filtration units which clean our entire office space multiple times every hour with COVID catching HEPA filters and PECO technology
- Plexi glass sneeze guards at the front desk
- All patient and staff members checked on entry for temperature and oxygen saturation